Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Santa Anna FCA

Be encouraged by the great impact God is making in our area for Christ through coaches and athletes. Below is an email I received right before Christmas from our newest FCA Huddle coach in the area, David Garcia, who started FCA in Santa Anna at the beginning of this school year. Please read and be reminded of the eternal difference you are making possible through supporting FCA.

“I just had to email you and share all the wonderful things that have happened here in Santa Anna due to FCA. First of all, Faith is beginning to show all over the place, and not just in school. It is so great to see it spread in the community. As far as in school, the athletes are praying before every sporting event, and are not afraid to show it. During football, we prayed before the game and after the game and gave all the glory to God. We know he was with us in every game, and we went further in the play-offs than ever before. Just making the play-offs was a huge deal. We had to rely on a coin flip and the students and their parents prayed before the flip and after the flip. It was just an awesome moment. We have made the transition from football to basketball, and we are now holding meetings on every home basketball games that fall on a Friday. We are also finishing up on a very successful toy-drive for some of the kids here in Santa Anna. For such a small school, we will be able to distribute toys to a good number of kids. I also was called and interviewed by KOXE, and they did a whole news story on Santa Anna FCA. It’s just such an awesome time to be part of Santa Anna. The kids are doing wonderful in class, grades are up, attitudes are up, athletics is going great, and I honestly believe that FCA is a huge reason for all of it. I just wanted to share the wonderful things that are going on in Santa Anna. We here wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas.”
Coach David Garcia
Santa Anna ISD

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