Monday, January 30, 2012

Fields of Faith 2011

God continues to bless Fields of Faith and use this annual outreach event to draw students in our area to Him. In 2011 we saw the attendance grow to 3,000 packing out the home side of Gordon Wood Stadium.  288 of those students gave their life to Christ and received Jesus as their Lord and Savior for the first time. 236 students re-committed their life to Christ. 188 students committed to read their Bible daily and we were able to provide over 100 Bibles to students who needed a copy of God’s Word. We thank the 200 adult volunteers, 30 area schools and 96 local churches for partnering with us and we pray for these students as you follow up and provide them with essential discipleship throughout the year. Most of all, we praise Jesus and thank God for another incredible life-changing night at Fields of Faith!!! All Glory goes to our King!
            SAVE THE DATE! Go ahead and mark your calendars for this year’s Fields of Faith on OCTOBER 10, 2012. For more info please visit our national website      

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