Wednesday, October 24, 2012

FCA: Influencing the Influencers

Coaches Appreciation Luncheon

As the 2012-2013 school year got under way, The Brownwood Area FCA kicked it off by hosting their annual Coaches Appreciation Luncheon back on Sunday August 5th. Over 120 area-wide coaches and their families joined us for a free meal at the Brownwood High School cafeteria. Coaches were challenged by guest speaker, Mel Tjeersdma, three-time NCAA DII National Champion head football coach at Northwest Missouri State.

Seeing as coaches are at the heart of FCA, this was a great way to start the new school year off by ministering to the men and women who have the greatest platform on our campuses, possibly even our communities. Billy Graham once said, "A coach will impact more lives in one year, than most people will in their entire lifetime." At some time or another, every single one of us has been either positively or negatively impacted by a coach in our life. It is for this reason that FCA intentionally and strategically focuses on ministering to and through the Coach to accomplish our mission of impacting the world for Jesus Christ. If we can reach the coach, then we can reach the athletes. If we can reach the athletes, then we can reach the campus. If we can reach the campus, then we can reach the community. If you can see this vision then I invite you to run with us and join Team FCA in prayfully supporting, encouraging, and serving our coaches. Help us influence the influencers and lead the leaders to coach biblically and use their platform to point others to Christ.



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