Tuesday, June 12, 2012

FCA Leadership Camp

Daniel Mendoza, Tyler Johnson, Faith Bean, & Coach Terry Bean.
Last week, June 4-8, we enjoyed a great week at FCA Leadership camp in Abilene at the Hardin Simmons University campus. Through the worship led by the Marcus Dawes Band, the messages preached by Jon Randles, the campus ministry mechanics and faith fundamentals taught by FCA staff, and the huddles led by college athletes, around 500 middle school and high school students are now better equipped to share the gospel on their campuses and use their influence to serve and lead FCA huddles all across the state of Texas. It was a great week of inspiration and perspiration where God truly changed lives forever. 78 students were saved by receiving Christ for the first time. 164 students surrendered to God's call and re-committed their lives to following the Lord, while another 160 students indicated growth in their spiritual lives through the challenge of God's Word. The Brownwood Area was represented by 3 students, from Brady Middle School, who are pictured above. Thanks to the fundraising of their huddle and donors in their area, these 3 students were able to attend camp on scholarships and each had amazing experiences that I look forward to sharing with you in the future. Also pictured above is the Brady Middle School Huddle Coach, Terry Bean, who drove them to camp on Monday and picked them up on Friday. It is because of godly coaches like this and faithful donors like yourself that athletes like these have the opportunity to grow in their relationship with Christ. Thank You for making an eternal difference!
Prayer after Competition in Gym

My huddle won the coveted "Golden Plunger" for Junior-High Competition Champions of the week!

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